MJWN Est. 1998

We Be Ballin

Update: Since posting this article, this track has since been removed from streaming services.

In 1998 Michael recorded a short chorus for a song entitled ‘We Be Ballin’. It was to be used in a remix of Ice Cube’s song ‘We Be Clubbin’, which also featured Shaquille O’Neal.

The remix was set to be released on an NBA compilation album and feature in commercials; however the project was shelved due to the player-initiated strike against the league.

For the past 20 years the track has been leaked online, however today a song with the same time has been released to streaming services using the same unreleased hook that Michael recorded. This version of ‘We Be Ballin’ doesn’t include Ice Cube, but is instead by Jethro Sheeran, a British music producer.

We’ve reached out to Michael’s Estate to learn more about this release.

Source: MJWN

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