MJWN Est. 1998

New Unauthourised MJ Book

A new book detailing the untruths told by the media regarding the recent discovery of medical reports about Michael’s Pepsi Injury has been made available for Kindle users.

Its title is ‘Unauthorized Michael Jackson Story: Correcting Media Lies of Pepsi Commercial Injury,’ by Robert Meacham.

This comes on the heels of hundreds/thousands (check Google for Michael Jackson FlatSigned which will include the Lady Gaga stories too,) of news media reporting INCORRECT INFORMATION!

This was never corrected by them!  The public record is only corrected now, within this book. You are invited to be the first to read and review.

The dedication reads:

“For Michael Jackson who gave the world a glimpse of greatness that exuded from his soul in the form of love, rhythm and dance. He spoke to a diverse world with songs and music that touched everyone so gently yet generated the highest level of emotion imaginable that still carries on today.”

Click here to read and review the book.

Source: MJWN

Song of the week

Liberian Girl
Liberian Girl
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