MJWN Est. 1998

Remembering Michael

Paula has sent us a report from Australia of a fan meeting they have had to remember Michael. Here is what she’s written.

It is now three years since Michael has left us physically, and his loss doesn’t seem to get any easier for many fans. The hole he has left in this world is far too deep to close so quickly, but today, the 24th June 2012 in Adelaide, Australia, a day before the third Anniversary of his passing, a group of MJ fans and friends met at the Beach to remember and honour the man called Michael Jackson who has had and still has such a huge impact on their lives.

It was a low key event and everyone was welcome to attend, with two pre-requisites, LOVE and RESPECT for the man. The meeting point was at Glenelg at one of our well known local beaches, where those that wanted to brave the cold walked down to the waters edge and threw red rose petals in the water in loving memory of Michael. This is the same place where the first ‘World Cry’ was held here on Michael’s first Anniversary, so it held special significance as the place where most of us first met.

Here close to the water and to the sound of the gentle waves, it was a time for us to reflect on the past and on a little bit of HIStory and on everything that Michael has done for us, as well as a time to join hands in unison as a tribute to the Greatest Entertainer and Humanitarian that has ever walked this planet. The song ‘Cry’ and ‘Hold My Hand’ come to mind as does the hauntingly beautiful and powerful speech that Michael once gave, urging everyone to hold hands with the person next to them.

The day then continued onto a nearby cafe where we all gathered to spend some time together over a coffee and a meal, and where stories and memories of Michael were shared. Most of us agreed that emotions were very high these last few days as the reality of June the 25th drew near, but it was also mutual that here with other MJ friends our spirits were lifted. I guess that LOVE can be a very powerful weapon. Michael knew that too well and based his whole life on it.

If I had to sum up today, it would be with Michael’s version of ‘Come Together,’ for that is exactly what today was all about, a group of Michael Jackson fans ‘Coming Together’ over the LOVE that they hold and share for him.

Source: Paula Katsikas & MJWN


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