MJWN Est. 1998

Help Build ‘Everland’ In Michael’s Name

We have told you before about ‘Everland,’ a children’s home in Liberia, one of the poorest countries in Africa.

Michael’s fans are raising money to build this orphanage for the children of Liberia, and are asking for donations to help them in their efforts. At this time of year when you are buying gifts for loved ones, perhaps you could spare a thought for this extremely worthwhile endeavour.

Every penny counts in this time of worldwide hardship, and you can see how the fans are working hard to reach their goal of building ‘Everland.’

To donate you can click here:- hello@michaeljacksonslegacy.org

If you would like to see how much work they are putting into their plans to help the Liberian children in the name of Michael’s legacy you can also click here

This link explains how the group had to relocate their plans for the children’s home, and the problems they had to face at that time.

Please try to help them if you can spare some cash, this is such an important project and is so worthwhile.

Source: MJWN

Song of the week

Gone Too Soon
Gone Too Soon
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