MJWN Est. 1998

‘Invincible’ Campaign

Please find below information relating to The Invincible Campaign – The campaign to try and achieve Number 1 for Michael’s ‘Invincible’ album during October which will mark its 10th Anniversary.

“The Invincible Campaign is a campaign to make Michael’s last studio album Number 1 in October. The album was released in October 2001 and this October marks its 10th Anniversary.

The primary purpose apart from celebrating the 10th Anniversary of this album was to provide a musical banner for Michael during the Murray trial that Michael is ‘Invincible’ and ‘Unbreakable.’

I am thus asking all Michael’s supporters, to purchase ‘Invincible’ during the month of October to make ‘Invincible’ Number 1 once again.

The blogsite has had over 20,000 hits and has only been up a matter of weeks. Click here to view.

The twitter account can be viewed by clicking here.

The Facebook account is Mjsinvincible – Click here to view.

Profile page on Facebook is Love Invincible – Click here to view.

Please join me in October to Make Michael’s Album Number One.

Debbie Francis”

Source: Debbie Francis & MJWN

Song of the week

Gone Too Soon
Gone Too Soon
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