MJWN Est. 1998

Katherine Versus Alejandra

Alejandra Jackson and her children, Jaafar, Jermajesty, Donte, and Randy Jr. have lived at Hayvenhurst for many years; they are Jermaine and Randy Jackson’s children. Now, according to a report by TMZ, Katherine Jackson, has asked Alejandra Jackson to move from Hayvenhurst, into a condo also owned by the Estate. After a stay in Japan with her children, she returned to Hayvenhurst, and has refused to leave. Consequently, the planned remodeling of Hayvenhurst has had to be put on hold.

Alejandra now has legal representation and has refused to sign a confidentiality agreement and is in active negotiations for a ‘tell-all,’ book.

Sources say, Katherine’s lawyers called the police last week to forcibly evict Alejandra, but the police said they couldn’t do anything without an eviction order … which is why the Estate is going to court.

Source: TMZ & MJWN, and with special thanks to Paul

Song of the week

Dirty Diana
Dirty Diana
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