MJWN Est. 1998

Michael’s Chart Positions Update

Here are some of Michael’s current chart positions from around the World.

UK Top 40 R&B Albums
28   The Essential Album

UK Top 10 Music DVD Chart:
7    This Is It

Billboard 200
99   Number ones

US Top 25 Catalog Albums
13   Number Ones

France Album Chart:
104  This Is It.

France Top 40 Music DVDs
1   Vision Box Set
23   Live In Bucharest: – The Dangerous Tour
37   Number Ones

France Back Catalogue Albums
3   Off The Wall/Thriller
6   The Collection
10   Bad/Dangerous
22   Thriller
36   HIStory – Past, Present And Future – Book I
40   Number Ones
Germany Charts Top 100 Singles
15   Hold My Hand

Top 50 Australia Catalogue Albums
2   The Essential Album

Top 40 Australia Music DVD Chart
2   Vision Box Set
14   Live In Bucharest: – The Dangerous Tour

Top 50 Physical Singles Chart
41   The 12″ Mixes

R&B Top 50 Albums In Canada
20   Number Ones
35   Christmas Collection (J5)
38   This Is It
44   The Essential Album
46   Thriller (Re-mastered)

Italy Top 100 Albums
100  This Is It

Italy Top 20 Music DVDs:
1    Vision Box Set
2    This Is it
13   Live In Bucharest: – The Dangerous Tour
Dutch Top 50 Back Catalogue Albums
1    King of Pop – The Dutch Collection
7    Thriller
21   Off The Wall

Dutch Top 100 Singles
76   Hold My Hand

Dutch Top 30 Music DVDs
6   Vision Box Set

Irish Top 100 Individual Artist Albums
82  Number Ones

Irish Top 10 Music DVDs
3    This Is It
7    Vision Box Set

HMV Top 50 Pre-Order

HMV Top 50 Music DVDs
8   Michael Jackson – Vision: 3 DVD
9   This Is It
27   Moonwalker
43   Live In Bucharest: – The Dangerous Tour

Source: mediatraffic.de & MJWN, with special thanks to Paul

Song of the week

Gone Too Soon
Gone Too Soon
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