MJWN Est. 1998

Birthday Gift For Michael?

Instead of sending flowers and cards or going to California to honour Michael’s birthday, why not donate to a charity in his name?

Jo has come up with a great idea for honouring Michael’s birthday this year. Instead of traveling to California, or sending flowers, why not consider choosing a charity close to Michael’s heart and make a donation in his name. The amount of the donation does not matter, however much or little you can afford would surely make a difference.

We are all aware of Michael’s love for children and the ecology, his care for sick people and his own precious donations to such charities. So why not chose a charity of your own and make a donation directly to it, in Michael’s memory?

Do not send money directly to Jo or to MJWN, as the idea is for you to chose your own worthwhile cause that you think would honour Michael.

Jo has researched some charities and has suggested some for you if you have trouble making up your mind. Please click here to visit Jo’s web site.

Source: Jo & MJWN

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