MJWN Est. 1998

Michael’s Family Trust

Financial details of the Michael Jackson Family Trust Fund have been published in The News of The World, a British tabloid newspaper. It is not known how the tabloid obtained the document, which Michael signed in 1995, and updated in 2002.

Michael’s children will share 40% of the Estate, and Katherine Jackson will also receive 40%. The remainder will be given to charities designed to benefit children.

Prince, Paris and Blanket will each inherit thirty-three million dollars, but will receive an allowance from the state administrators until they are twenty-one years old.

When each child reaches the age of thirty, they will gain access to a third of their trust fund. When they reach thirty-five, they will have access to half, and when they are forty years old, they will have full access.

When Mrs Jackson passes away, her 40% will revert to the children’s share.

No one else is mentioned as an inheritor in Michael’s will or in the Trust Fund.

The Estate administrators have financially increased the Estate significantly since they took over the administration.

Source:The News Of The World & MJWN

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