MJWN Est. 1998

Woman In The Mirror

Michael was more to me than a great entertainer. He was the love of my life. I truly loved him as a person. I understood him. Those that know me and know me well know where I am coming from, but let me explain a little for those that don’t.

Besides my grandfather, Michael was the only constant male figure in my life growing up. I thought he was beautiful and I loved to watch him move. My mother took me to see The Wiz at age 2, took me to his concerts as early as age 4, bought his music for me, and I fell in love with him over the years.

Michael taught me to love everyone no matter what race, creed, color, or religion. He taught me to care for our planet and to have compassion for those that were ill. He also kept me from getting involved with boys at an early age because I was so devoted to him.

Michael was a beautiful person in every way to me; so sweet, kind, and giving. Even in the end he wanted to give more of himself to us by performing when, in my opinion, he should of been enjoying his life without performing and raising his children. I do understand that Michael wanted to come back one last time to prove that he is the best and leave a greater legacy that would overshadow his plastic surgery, debt, or molestation allegations, but he never needed to prove anything to me.

Did I ever question the allegations and wonder if Mike was capable of such a thing? Of course I did! I didn’t see Michael as a God or a perfect entity. I saw him as a human being with flaws like the rest of us. Loving Michael does not make a person go insane, become dumb, or unable to see the truth. I saw through the BS of the allegations and fortunately so did a jury of his peers.

Over the years as I have become an adult my “obsession” for him has toned down, but I always loved and supported him. I never believed the hype when it came to him being weird, bizarre, or a child molester. As a survivor of child sexual abuse I do not support anyone that I believe has been involved in that type of behavior.

I am in disbelief, confused, numb, heartbroken, sad…words cannot express what I really feel. Michael was my family. He was and will always be a major part of who I am. I suppose he can rest now and perform forever in heaven or where ever we go when we leave this earth.

I give my love and support to his family and fans all around the world.

Song of the week

Liberian Girl
Liberian Girl
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