MJWN Est. 1998

Halloween Dancers Out In Force

It seems like every country in the world which celebrates Halloween is inspired by Michael’s ‘Thriller’, both the song and the dance routine.

People in New York City, Las Vegas and various cities in Florida, Texas, Washington and California, have spent days, weeks and months learning, practicing and performing the ‘Thriller’ routine. Many other countries all over Europe, and indeed Asia and Australia have followed suit with their own versions of this greatest song and dance, which for many has come to personify Halloween.

Many attempts were made to break records for the greatest number of people performing at the same time. Others did it just for the simple fun of trying to emulate Michael.

Considering how long this song has been with us, this is a remarkable achievement for Michael, who inspires such passion and happiness all over the world.

Well done to everyone who made this happen!

Source: MJWN

Song of the week

Stranger in Moscow
Stranger in Moscow
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