MJWN Est. 1998

What You Did On Michael’s Birthday

As we’ve previously told you, we were inundated with entries for the ‘What I Did On Michael’s Birthday’ competition and to be honest, it’s been very difficult selecting the winners as we’ve had so many great entries. We would like to thank each and every one of that entered and we’ve finally chosen the following as winning entries. Each person listed will receive a Promo copy of the ‘King of Pop’ album.

Please be aware that ALL entries including photographs will be passed onto Michael at the next available opportunity.

Thanks again!

Emma – England

The girls in work (solicitors office) got a my scene doll and made it an MJ outfit complete with hat and microphone and one hand on his crotch. We sat him out on the reception counter holding a banner with ‘50 Today!’ on for ALL clients to see. We even got the male solicitors, when they came into reception, to put their hand on their crotch and do a high kick saying “hee hee”.

Ashleigh – England

Well, the 29th August was probably the best day of the year so far! First of all when I woke up, I blasted ‘Man in the Mirror’ and then watched ‘Moonwalker’ two times before leaving for school!

When I got to school I got the WHOLE of my class to sing happy birthday! I wrote on a HUGE piece of paper ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHAEL JACKSON!’ and walked around with it all day. I got told off a lot…but nothing comes between me and Michaels biggest birthday ever!

Me and my friend went down to my local music shop just to check ‘KING OF POP’ was

still No.1 and thankfully it was! They were playing the CD so until the entire CD finished we just stayed there dancing.

As the night came I decided I wanted a bit of ‘Bad’ so I played all the tracks twice (But

‘Man In The Mirror’ three times!). Anyway, I watched ‘MJ – The Legend Continues’

AGAIN. After that and until I went to bed, I just watched all my favourite performances with my fedora, glove and white tape! I had a lighter waving to ‘Man in the Mirror’.

When I went to bed I lay my MJ ‘Bad’ CD next to me.

Oh and one more thing…I stuck a HUGE poster at my window. I had people staring and clapping and everything!

Ashleigh Gardner,

Age 12.

Zoya – Bulgaria

We expected that day very impatiently. The event was majestic for us. We, a fan club in Plovdiv, decided to organize a big birthday-party where everybody were dressed like Michael, or just wearing some of his accessories. We`d made a reservation in one disco. The DJ was also a MJ`fan and there were no problems.

On 29th August at 9.00p.m. we met on a square in the town. From there, with big posters, we went to the disco. There were fans not only from Plovdiv. We were a big crowd! At the entrance everyone brought a picture of Mike, instead of a ticket.

At 10.00p.m. the DJ played video materials on the video wall and he made a short description of MJ`s career. After a few famous songs on the dance floor, we watched some people, who can dance like Michael. They had so precise moves! It was awesome! We chose three of them. They received DVD`s and CD`s with MJ`s music.

Then it was turn for the huge cake with Michael`s face on it and with the inscription ‘Happy Birthday Michael Jackson!’. We had some delicious cake and drank to the health of the biggest musician on this planet. Next came the Karaoke and of course there was a quiz too. Everyone was very good in it! A lot of MJ stuff was given away.

We had a lot of fun together, actuated by our big love for Michael. We sang and danced together. It was a truly special evening indeed, showing that Michael Jackson`s fans are always here for him! I can’t describe the feeling with words. I`ll never forget it!


P.S. Unfortunately I`m still expecting the pictures from that event, but here is the picture I became at the entrance.

Richard – England

I had booked a hotel in London for me and my girlfriend and booked tickets for the Michael 50th birthday celebration in Essex. The party was on the Sunday after Michael’s birthday but on the 29th when we arrived in London, we got a black cab to our hotel and the cab took us to the wrong hotel. It was around 4.45p.m. He apologised and said he would take us there at no extra cost as long as we would wait for him for around ten minutes as he needed to go to the bank before it closed. He left us in the taxi with his float in full sight…we must have looked trustworthy…lol! Now I had planned to do this anyway later that evening but as we were alone in the taxi I pulled a ring out of my pocket and proposed to my girlfriend, (she said “yes” I’m happy to say) so the 29th of August 2009 was a double celebration for us!

Reena – England

Michael’s 50th birthday was very precious for me, and I’m not gonna lie and say that I did a major party – It is the thought that counts…

When the clock hit 12 00 a.m. me and my family had a chocolate birthday cake ready with fifty candles and wished him all the happiness success in the world. We sang happy birthday to him and I blew his candles out wishing him something (can’t tell). We videoed it and because of the candles the fire alarm went off at 12.05 a.m…So that was a major blast!

I didn’t do anything major as someone else will do but for me his happiness is more important because anyone can do a party but it should be what you wish for him that’s important.

In the morning I woke up at 7.00 a.m. and prayed for him at my temple at home. (I am a Sikh) and I made him a religious sweet called paarshaad which is a very holy food, kind of thing that gives Sikh’s a great importance. It is very meaningful and we believe whatever you wish for from your heart will come true.

I just want to say I’m fourteen and love Michael Jackson obviously because of

his music, voice and dancing but I believe, without his beautiful heart and soul he wouldn’t have been what he was. I truly believe that he is Gods gift and is a angel sent by god.

I always pray every morning and Michael is always first and last in my prayers.

Love him!

Jasper – Philippines

I sent Michael Jackson a very special birthday card with my written message on it. Every weekend, I play Michael Jackson songs so loud, even though I disturb my neighbours…every week with different theme… I was giving my classmates plenty of Michael Jackson information…at least they know him now…my ‘promotion’ was effective…they’re now singing his songs! :D Before they don’t know him

at all…then a radio crew was in a mall…I went to them and asked them to play Michael Jackson on air which they did! Then, in front of many people, I sang ‘You Rock My World’ using a karaoke…Lol…They didn’t know that song…they’re all looking at me! It’s my first time to use a karaoke…and in front of many people! It gives me a feeling that, that day was a festival for everyone!

Roxana – Romania

I and my friend went in Downtown with a tape recorder and a poster with Michael’s face. We put the tape recorder down, pushed the start button and the ‘THRILLER’ song started… We started dancing and singing…The people looked at us very fascinated. We was so proud!

Leeban – Ethiopia

I am a big fan of Michael Jackson from Ethiopia. I was celebrate Michael’s birthday specially sending different messages by cell phones to many peoples and also to the Radio stations (FM) about his historical achievements to the world music.

Jack – England

Well I spent my savings on a Michael Jackson store and put on a tribute show at my school and raised money for NSPCC. I raised £500 and then I went home and put on his Top 40 on TV and turned it up to full blast!

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