MJWN Est. 1998

Michael Fights Back

Obviously fed up with the numerous false rumours in the press, Raymone Bain has released the following statement on Michael’s behalf:


Several unsubstantiated rumors have been reported in the media regarding Mr. Michael Jackson, all of which are erroneous and untrue.

Mr. Jackson is not planning a concert tour with members of his family.

Mr. Jackson has been presented numerous proposals…proposals which he has not solicited, but were presented to him, several of which include performing in Las Vegas. Mr. Jackson is currently reviewing and evaluating each proposal. He does not believe that he is under any time constraint for making his decisions. Therefore, reports that he has “been unsuccessful in finding a Las Vegas casino for his show, resulting in his having to turn to his family” are false.

Mr. Jackson did not move to Las Vegas to shop a Vegas show. Mr. Jackson is in Las Vegas because he likes the city, and found it a convenient location to record with the artists, songwriters and producers who are working with him in the studio.

Mr. Jackson has no current plans to appear or perform on “American Idol.”

Mr. Jackson did not either solicit, ask to be given, or attempt to buy tickets to the recent NBA All-Star Game, as has been widely reported. Mr. Jackson was invited by several owners of NBA teams, as well as players, to attend the game as their guest. However, Mr. Jackson declined these kind invitations. Widely spread reports that Mr. Jackson sought tickets, and was denied his request, are completely false.

Mr. Jackson never leased property from Michael Flatly in Ireland. Therefore, reports stating that he was “evicted” from property owned by Flatly are erroneous and defamatory.

Mr. Jackson has not recently released or recorded a single with Pras.

Source: Raymone K. Bain

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